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People Break Down Which Experiences Caused Them To Become Super Bitter
Photo by Raychan on Unsplash

Life is beautiful.

But life is really damn arduous.

Every day we're witness to the unfairness of it all.

That can cause some deep internal struggle.

And then that's why people change.

Sometimes for the worse.

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People Confess Which Types Of People They're Absolutely Sick Of
Photo by Mahdi Bafande on Unsplash

Some people have to go.

We are in a place in life where calling out a person is the key.

People don't get to act a certain way just because.

We are withered to the bone with many types of personalities.

And it is time to free ourselves.

Satan be gone!!

Redditor moosesanddave wanted everyone to divulge truths about those that we are just about over having in our lives. They asked:

"Which types of people are you sick of?"
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People Explain Which Things Are Not As Attractive As People May Think
Sarah G. on Unsplash

So many things always seem like a good idea at first.

That is what happens when the bandwagon begins.

First there are the select few onboard.

Then the explosion of mass appeal.

Then for awhile we're in all the rage.

Eventually you look at a certain "thing" and realize... "oh not cute."

Like a McDonald's McRib. No.

It's not BBQ, it's not pork.

No. What else can we ad to the list of not hot?

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People Explain Which Pieces Of Life Advice Can F*** Off
Photo by Jackson Simmer on Unsplash

Sometimes the best advice is silence.

I think we're far enough along now in the self help stage of life where everyone can just shut up.

Often times... life just sucks.

I know that is hard to hear, well it's certainly depressing, but it's imperative to embrace.

And some of these wise catchphrases need a break.

Redditor ThrilledStoic wanted to share the sage wisdom that is on everyone's last nerve. They asked:

"What life advice can just f**k off?"
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