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People Break Down Which Experiences Caused Them To Become Super Bitter
Photo by Raychan on Unsplash

Life is beautiful.

But life is really damn arduous.

Every day we're witness to the unfairness of it all.

That can cause some deep internal struggle.

And then that's why people change.

Sometimes for the worse.

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People Explain What They Have Absolutely Zero Interest In
Magnet.me on Unsplash

Life is full of boring things.

Life is full of uninteresting things.

So... if life full?

That's a question for another time.

Let's focus on the things that leave us bored to tears.

Or numb with no feeling at all.

You ever wonder how people get so super involved and jazzed about some stuff and you look at it and all you can do is yawn?

That's our topic.

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People Break Down What Instantly Made Them Lose All Interest In A Crush
Photo by Maddy Baker on Unsplash

Have you ever been so intensely into another person you can't think straight?

Everything about them sends you into a flop sweat.

Then one day, you're out and about and they breathe wrong so you're disgusted and it's over.

A good crush can be obliterated in a matter of seconds.

But why? How can it be that fast?

Redditor 6FeetDownUnder wanted to know about the times infatuation died immediately. They asked:

"What made you immediately lose interest in a crush?"
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People Explain Which Things Become Less Interesting As You Get Older
Photo by Kanashi on Unsplash

I find I have less time and patience and interest for absolutely everything.

The years we add, the more we recognize all of the flaws.

Our flaws and life's.

Redditor vieps about what parts of life we tend to find ourselves over with each passing year. They asked:

"What becomes less interesting as you age?"
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People Confess Which Types Of People They're Absolutely Sick Of
Photo by Mahdi Bafande on Unsplash

Some people have to go.

We are in a place in life where calling out a person is the key.

People don't get to act a certain way just because.

We are withered to the bone with many types of personalities.

And it is time to free ourselves.

Satan be gone!!

Redditor moosesanddave wanted everyone to divulge truths about those that we are just about over having in our lives. They asked:

"Which types of people are you sick of?"
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