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People Share The Most Effective Psychological Tricks They Use To Get By

It puts the lotion in the basket....

Mind games. Life's survival is based on the best of the best of mind games. Sometimes you just gotta get someone to do what you need, like diffuse a dangerous situation. Is it always right or morally ethical? NO. But please, let he is without sin cast the first stone. A little trickery goes a long way... often for good.

Redditor u/PM_ME_UR_PUPPYDOGS wanted us all to fess to some shady yet clever mind games we've all played.... What is the most effective psychological "trick" you use?

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Life ain't easy and we ALL have a past. Sometimes we do all we can to runaway from and hide the life that once was and the person we used to be. Problem is that person... existed and they'll never not be a tangible presence. Admitting who we once were is an essential part of growth. Case in point...

Redditor wannacomeclean wanted to discuss... Want some advice on how I [29F] can "come clean" to some new friends [32F, 34F, 34M, 38F) I've gotten close to over the last 6 months to whom I've been lying by omission.

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Planning a wedding can be a nightmare for some people. It's amazing how quickly an event that is supposed to be about the couple can turn into a whole big production about literally everybody else. I know from experience, I actually cancelled my wedding and surprised people with a beach BBQ/wedding because planning it got to be so stressful. So when one heartbroken man asked Reddit what to do about his fiance's struggles with planning their wedding, I felt for the bride-to-be way down deep in my bones.

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My third grade teacher was horrible, not just as a teacher but as a member of the human race. She was cruel and enjoyed making us cry. She didn't even try to hide it, telling us outright on day one that it was time we learned what the "real world" was like. She even had a board where she would write down the "cry baby of the day." I hated her and didn't have a single regret when she finally flipped out during an observation and we had a substitute for the rest of the year.

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Window washer. Now there is a job that doesn't cross your mind often does it? You know they make like $80 and hour?! All to just dangle miles in the air while cleaning windows and trying not to plummet to their deaths. They see into the world and half the time nobody notices.

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