oprah winfrey

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Oprah Has The Most Adorable Nickname For Pete Buttigieg—And We're Totally On Board With It
Rodin Eckenroth/Getty Images, Lloyd Bishop/NBC/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images, @Knitter1958/Twitter

Oprah Winfrey made it very clear that she will not be running for president, despite everyone's wishful thinking.

She did, however, give her endorsement of Mayor Pete, a.k.a., the South Bend Mayor and 2020 presidential candidate, Pete Buttigieg.

However, the Queen of all media referred to him with her own nickname, and it's sticking.

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People Reveal The Best Christmas Present They've Ever Received
Photo by Mel Poole on Unsplash

Christmas is the best time of year as a child, possibly only topped by your 10th birthday (Yay double-digits!) and that one time in 4th grade when your personal class bully finally got busted by the teacher for picking on you for having a Power Rangers backpack. While today we might understand the significance of sharing the coldest, shortest time of the year with people we love, it's hard to ignore the amazing gifts that come along with the season.

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Redditor gonewild9676 has found himself in quite the predicament. His wife had a few ideas regarding their marriage and now he's a bit perplexed, to say the least.Take a listen...

My (46m) wife (41f) recently filed for divorce after shunning me for the last year but just told a mutual friend she really doesn't want one.

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Life ain't easy and we ALL have a past. Sometimes we do all we can to runaway from and hide the life that once was and the person we used to be. Problem is that person... existed and they'll never not be a tangible presence. Admitting who we once were is an essential part of growth. Case in point...

Redditor wannacomeclean wanted to discuss... Want some advice on how I [29F] can "come clean" to some new friends [32F, 34F, 34M, 38F) I've gotten close to over the last 6 months to whom I've been lying by omission.

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