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What exactly is in that recipe?

That is one of life's most important questions.

With allergies and tastes all over the map, best to always ask before you eat.

Everyone has strong thoughts on food.

There is a visceral hatred for certain combinations and ingredients.

Families have fallen out over serving sweet potato pie or pumpkin.

The kitchen can be a dangerous place.

So let's try for a civil conversation.

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People Confess How They Really Feel About 'Quiet Quitting'
Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Quiet quitting refers to when an employee works strictly within their allocated hours.

Never arriving before their agreed-upon start time, putting a hard stop to their day at their agreed-upon end time, and never doing any work whatsoever when they are not on the clock.

On one level, quiet quitting not only seems logical but right, as people shouldn't be expected to work more than they've agreed to, particularly if their pay won't change.

Others, however, don't believe in quiet quitting, and will volunteer to go the extra mile, be it in hopes that they might get promoted, or find themselves in a less vulnerable spot should layoffs be needed.

Leading one to question if quiet quitting is advisable or illogical?

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Let's face it: We all have petty opinions.

For example, I know I am rather anal-retentive about my cleaning. No one else does it the way I prefer the way I like it to be done so of course that means I'm stuck doing it myself.

You really can't trust most people to do it for you, and you'd be surprised how much I've sparred with friends over the possibility of hiring cleaning services. For one thing, as great as that would be, it's expensive. For another... would I actually be satisfied? How will they know except through osmosis that I prefer to load the dishwasher a certain way or have a specific way that I clean my air fryer?

The jury's out on that one, friends.

People shared their thoughts with us after Redditor shazulmonte asked the online community,

"What is the pettiest, silliest, most meaningless hill you are willing to die on?"
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People Share Their Strongest Non-Political Or Religious Opinions
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc/GettyImages

People have long engaged in passionate debates about their firm beliefs on any particular subject, the popular ones being religion and politics.

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People Break Down Their Most Controversial Food Opinions
Photo by Adrien Sala on Unsplash

I love ham and pineapple on pizza.

I stand by it. It's not my favorite, but I love it.

Who wants to fight me?

Food is a serious issue.

And people are willing to squabble about all of it.

Some food mixing is a problem to many.

Redditor fizzyoranges287 wanted to discuss aspects of food that some love yet haunts others. They asked:

"What’s your most controversial food opinion?"
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