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Non-Americans Divulge The Truths About The U.S. Most Americans Aren't Ready To Hear
iStrfry, Marcus on Unsplash

There are plenty of things to be proud of as an American citizen and how dare anyone challenge that notion.


But all it takes is a person's perspective from the outside to realize there are some things about the U.S. of A. we may not ever be ready to confront or think about.
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People Break Down What Screams 'This Movie Is Gonna Suck'

What makes you cringe when you see a movie advertised for the first time?

Although there have been some half decent adaptations the biggest “well that's going to suck" red flag for this writer is seeing the movie is adapted from a novel I have read.

If you haven't read the book typically the movie is good. However, if you know and loved the book, seeing the film adapt the story away from the beloved literature can be painful to watch.

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People Break Down Which Inventions Have Done More Harm Than Good

Most inventions were made with the idea to bring progress to humanity, not to harm it. However, that is not always how things turn out. A prime -and sad- example of this can be found in the life of Alfred Nobel. Most people know his name as the creator of the Nobel Peace prize without a second thought as to what drove him to make such an award.

The tragic truth is that Alfred Nobel invented dynamite with the intent to help with industrial uses. After seeing the horrendous usage of his invention to kill so many people so easily he lived the rest of his life under the weight of an all-consuming regret. That led him to use his fortune to create an award for those who have done incredible things for humanity and peace.

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