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wrecked car on side of mountain
Tobias Tullius on Unsplash

We all make mistakes.

It's an unfortunate part of life.

But some mistakes are worse than others.

Some blunders can be extremely expensive.

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Listen to me ... once again ... women do not urinate from our vaginas. I'll rephrase and say it louder for the folks in the back, WE HAVE A URETHRAL OPENING FOR THAT. IF URINE IS COMING FROM A WOMANS VAGINA THEN SHE NEEDS MEDICAL INTERVENTION.

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People Explain How They Were Blown Away By Their Own Stupidity

Most of us try pretty hard to make the smart choices in life, but every once in a while our brains let us down.

Sometimes quite spectacularly.

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If there's one thing we learned from sourcing this article it's that men (not all men, but certainly these men) are dumb. Disastrously, dangerously, adorably dumb.

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People Share The Stupidest Ways They've Injured Themselves
Epoxydude / Getty Images

I'm seriously an expert on hurting myself in dumb ways. I blew up my gallbladder eating too much Channukah gelt, glitter literally almost killed me and about a week ago I may or may not have accidentally challenged a peacock to a dance-off. It didn't end well for me. Peacocks be killin it, fam.

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