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People Confess What's Stopping Them From Being With The Person They Really Love
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

As Valentine's Day approaches, we're going to be inundated with signs that tell us love is in the air.

Why is love elusive for so many of us?

Or is it perhaps right in front of us as we've seen in so many films and TV shows?

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People Explain What Makes Them Think 'Wow, I Really Am Getting Older'
lucas law on Unsplash

Old age is something most of us aspire to, but sudden reminders that were getting there quicker than we might think aren't always welcome.

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People Explain Which Things Are Not Considered Cool After Someone Turns 30
Photo by Omar Lopez on Unsplash

"I'm too old for this sh*t"

The iconic words of Roger Murtaugh, portrayed by Danny Glover, in the Lethal Weapon movies.

A thought that all of us have with each passing year, both about things we're now tired of doing, and things we once loved, but don't find as much joy in any more.

After hitting the big 3-0, we find ourselves increasingly surprised by the things we used to find fun, but now might find almost intolerable.

Redditor nonchalannt was curious to hear the things people lost their taste for after their 30th birthday, leading them to ask:

"What's not "cool" anymore when you turn 30?"
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Older Generations Break Down What They're Tired Of Hearing From Younger Folks
Thomas Park/Unsplash

Get Off My E-Lawn!

*shakes fists at the fact that calling it an "e-anything" is so incredibly dated. Of course, it's a virtual lawn. Who has lawns anymore? In this economy? And if they do, they haven't rented it out to influencers to promote their start-up goat lawn care company that PETA is vehemently protesting as cruelty and would like to euthanize the goats instead? Psh.*

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People Describe The Clear Signs That They're Getting Older
Aatik Tasneem/Unsplash

People say age is nothing but a number, or maybe it's a state of mind.

In my case, it's mostly a state of bladder.

In all fairness to my bladder, I'm not even 5 feet tall so it would be weird if I had some enormous elephantine organ.

I've always had to pee a lot ... but now I'm almost 40 and have a few pregnancies under my belt and honestly it's easier for me to just announce when I DON'T have to pee.

It's never. The answer is never.

Don't even ask me.

Yes, I have to pee.

And I'm not the only one.

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