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With a new television season about to begin, viewers can't wait for the season premiers of their favorite TV shows, including long runners Grey's Anatomy and Law & Order: SVU, as well as high profile new shows, such as the Fox's country music drama Monarch or HBO's Game of Thrones prequel House of the Dragon.

Of course, the landscape of television has changed considerably in recent years, as evidenced by the fact that ABC's acclaimed Abbot Elementary was the only scripted network series to get any major nominations at the recent Emmy awards.

As a result, no one is beholden to tuning in when shows are on the air, or depending on their DVRs, or, for 80s and 90s children, VCRs!

More and more people watch their shows on streaming platforms, which means that not only can they watch current series the day after they aired, but younger viewers might also be able to binge classics like Friends or Will & Grace, as well as short-lived cult-favorites like Happy Endings or Freaks and Geeks.

As a result, many people's favorite show might be a show which ended its run several years ago.

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People Divulge The Oldest Celebrity They Still Find Attractive
Photo by Daria Volkova on Unsplash

Age is just a number.

We all hope to stay sexy until the end.

And even when we don't feel sexy, maybe there will be people who still think we are.

Redditor Debonair-Redditor21 wanted to hear about famous crushes that enter into the "Harold & Maude" territory. They asked:

"Who is the oldest celebrity that you still find attractive?"
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People Explain Which Old Video Games Still Hold Up Today
Joey Kwok/Unsplash

Not long ago, I rented a vacation rental for my dad's birthday.

It was a really cool apartment downtown near restaurants, and the building even had a rooftop pool! Unfortunately for him, this is summer in Florida, which means we got slammed with a tropical storm and that rooftop pool was closed.

The arcade was open, though... and that's where the entire family proceeded to get our butts handed to us because, evidently, my father is the Galaga master.

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People Confess Why Their 40s Are Way Better Than Their 20s

They say life goes downhill after reaching the age of 40.

While I'm not sure who first made that assumption, it's not necessarily true.

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