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Colleagues in a break room
Photo by Samsung UK on Unsplash

Flirting is always a delicate balance.

While an obvious way to get someone's attention, and let them know they find them attractive and (hopefully), are interested in dating them, it's not always appreciated.

As some people find flirting to be little more than thinly veiled sexual harassment, particularly when intentions are less than honorable.

Flirting is an even more dangerous game when in the office.

While some people flirt with colleagues for little more than harmless fun, others take flirting in the workspace much more seriously.

Whether they're the ones doing the flirting, or the ones being flirted to.

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Job interviews are such a unique experience.

For a brief interval of time, we have to simultaneously try to impress someone with our qualifications, come off as casually pleasant, demonstrate passion for the role in question, and, somehow, be ourselves throughout that whole charade.

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People Describe The Quickest Way They've Seen A New Manager Screw Up An Office

Everyone has new ideas, and everyone wants to leave their mark on the world. But more often than not when some newbie manager is brought in to take over, all want to focus is a total overhaul of every possible thing. That is never a good idea folks. Yes, by all means, fine tune what's already great and search for what can be better. But let's not try and reinvent the wheel and dismantle what is working just for your ego.

Redditor u/detonatingorange wanted to hear some of the best stories about the newbies who made a mistake or two when coming into the office by asking....

What was the quickest way you've seen a new manager screw up a workplace?

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Professionals Share The Weirdest Thing They've Ever Seen Happen At Work

The workplace doesn't always have to be a burden. Sometimes the workplace can be a hot bed of crazy with soap opera antics. Often the things we witness at our jobs can haunt us forever. We try to be cool and professional but when you witness crazy, just embrace it. As long as everyone lives.... it's always gonna make for a great story later.

Redditor u/StayCrude wanted to know about the things we've all witnessed at our places of employment by asking.... What's the weirdest thing you've ever seen happen at work?

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People Share The Most Inappropriate Outfits They've Ever Seen A Coworker Wear
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Casual Friday is a gift, a blessing in a dull experience of droning meetings and angry clients.

It's something to look forward to all week long, even when the rest of the 9-5 days try their best to bring you down.

This makes it upsetting when people abuse that privilege, seemingly ruining it for everybody.

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