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We really don't know much about what's in our oceans. That's a very scary thought. It's also enormous, so the stories of people who have been lost out in it for weeks at a time can really creep you out. What the hell are we doing out there? Isn't being on land freaky enough?

Oh, and did none of you watch Jaws? If that's not reason enough to stay on land, I don't know what is. Some of you are way too brave for your own good.

As beautiful as the ocean can be, many people have had some unnerving experiences. We heard some of them after Redditor anchorwitch asked the online community,

"Sailors, scuba divers, surfers, and others…have you seen or experienced anything on or in the water that gave you the creeps? What is your creepiest ocean-related experience?"
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It's well known that dolphins are among the world's smartest creatures, and humans are among the world's most annoying. The marine mammals, which use a complex pattern of squeaks and whistles to communicate with each other under water, are having trouble hearing themselves think because the nearby humans, with their noisy boats and shipping lanes, are making such a ruckus.

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