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Every time we wake up... it's a MIRACLE!!

Nothing is promised.

Not one day.

Not one breath.

The hazards are everywhere.

There are foods we shouldn't eat.

People we should avoid.

And health regimes we may really need to try.

Life is booby-trapped.

It's time to make a survivor's how to list.

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Whenever we visit a foreign country, we always want to try and blend in with the locals.

But be it our clothes, our accents, or just our scared, vacant expressions, sometimes, blending in is simply impossible.

Particularly for Americans.

Indeed, American tourists have several unfortunate stereotypes associated with them, which people all over the world can spot instantly.

No matter how hard Americans may, or may not, try to hide it.

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Woman holding head in her hands
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

A lie is as plain as the nose on your face.

A word of warning the Blue Fairy gave Pinocchio in Disney's animated classic.

But even if their nose doesn't grow with every lie, it can be painfully easy to tell when someone is lying.

It can be detected in their body language, their cadence, and especially their nerves.

Serving as a reminder to us not to trust these people with any major secrets.

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We like to give people the benefit of the doubt, right?

As a result, we sometimes might choose to ignore things about certain people which others might consider a "red flag".

Be it the way they treated others, an issue of hygiene or cleanliness, or a financial or monetary situation, we might like to tell ourselves that this was probably a one-off situation, and they'll learn from their mistakes.

Sadly, more often than not, our concerns prove to be more than well-founded.

Which we often discover all too late, sometimes to utterly disastrous or humiliating consequences.

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Underused Hygiene Tips Everyone Should Know
Photo by Robert Gomez on Unsplash

There are some basic hygiene practices which we can only hope everyone practices.

These include washing your hands after going to the bathroom, covering your mouth while coughing, brushing your teeth and bathing on a regular basis.

Since the global pandemic, however, some slightly heightened practices regarding hygiene are much more commonplace.

Such as washing your hands for a full 20 seconds, not to mention every time you get home after being out for a long period of time, and always having hand sanitizer on your person when out and about.

Even when people are more conscious of their personal hygiene than ever, there are still some practices which continue to be overlooked.

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