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People Break Down The Things From The Early 2000s That No Longer Exist
Samantha Gades on Unsplash

Ahhh the 2000s... what a decade.

Times were simpler then. Well maybe not really, but compared to today, nostalgia makes us feel that way.

Who could see the impact of technology?

I never thought we'd move past a desktop.

Now our watches are computers.

And the way music, fashion and film has evolved, sometimes leaves me staggered.

Let's revisit the aughts and see what things were a must have, that are now nonexistent.

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Is it strange to imagine that one day your job just won't exist anymore? Not as a position at your individual company, but as a job at all. Imagine a world with no secretaries, no servicepeople,no sales, no ... whatever it is you do - no you.

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