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People Break Down Which Things Aren't A Religion But Folks Treat Them Like One
Photo by James Coleman on Unsplash

We as humans seem to worship at the altars of many.

Religion is religion.

There is a history and a purpose behind it.

Have we gotten out of hand with treating other aspects of life in a Godlike manner?

It's all too serious sometimes.

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People Share Which Foods They'll Never Get Tired Of Eating
Jarritos Mexican Soda on Unsplash

What's on the menu?

Hopefully the answer to that is... everything!

We all have our comfort foods and favorites.

Food is not just for survival. Food is a healer. A friend. A companion. A reason to live.

So why not hold onto the best food there is?

Eat it everyday.

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People Confess Their Totally Secret Obsessions
Image by Tayeb MEZAHDIA from Pixabay

Some things pique a person's interest for mysterious reasons.

It can be a tactile sensation found only in one place, on one object. It might be a niche area of research. Or perhaps its a guilty pleasure, so guilty they hope nobody ever discovers it.

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Meeting a celebrity is a dream come true moment. We think about these people even when we don't mean to. It's al part of the fantasy. Celebrities are the illusive finds we want to understand and study. However, they are just simply mere mortals, but often it takes meeting them face to face to understand that. They always say... "never meet your dream fantasy!" It can be a tricky situation but it can also be a life highlight... especially when they are great people.

Reddior u/willis1988 wanted to know from everyone about all the times they've met those who live in the world of fame by asking...
What celebrities have you encountered that were either really nice or really horrible?
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