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Stack of rare hardcover books.
Chris Lawton/Unsplash

Many homeowners and renters tend to decorate their abode with a bare minimum aesthetic–with nothing but furniture and the occasional generic artwork acquired at Target to cover their vast wall space.

Others, however, are usually collectors who proudly display their prized possessions that serve as conversation pieces for visitors.

What others think is trash could literally be treasures to their owners.

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There are so many little things, day to day, that we take for granted. Those things make our lives so much easier.

For example, lights. Or keys and locks. Little things that keep us safe, that keep us healthy.

But do we give them enough credit?

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People Share Which Item They've Lost And Never Found That They'd Kill To Have Back
Photo by Mildlee on Unsplash

We all have those few select items we acquire through the course of life that fill us with glee and contentment. It could be something as small as a pen. Everyone loves a rare find and often those finds come with a deeper meaning; or it was just something totally rad. That's why it is heartbreaking when we lose track of those instruments of joy. Instruments even Marie Kondo would keep. The hunt never stops when these items get lost.

Redditor u/gbizzle2 wanted to know who is still yearning for some possessions they'd give other's lives to find by asking...
What is an object that you lost, never found again, but always think about?
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Surgeons Share The Dumbest Thing They've Ever Had To Remove From A Patient
Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay

The things that the people in the medical people see on the regular could haunt the dreams and days of an average person. What are some of us thinking? How in the world do we get certain foreign objects in our bodies? And most of the time the craziest things we implant are when we're stone cold sober. Why is humanity like this?! Stop sticking things were they don't belong!

Redditor u/ZenyatasBalls96 wanted to hear from the surgeons out there regarding the dopes they've treated by asking..... Surgeons of Reddit, what was the dumbest thing you had to remove from someone?

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People Share The Useless Items They Carry With Them For Sentimental Reasons
Rachael Crowe on Unsplash

Objects can hold a lot of power over a person's memory.

That little plastic ring can remind you of a day at the arcade with your family. Or a whistle can remind you of your great-grandmother and her emigration to the United States.

There's an endless list of reasons why an object can be sentimental.

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