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Medical Professionals Describe Patients Who Had No Common Sense

Reddit user babyhippo01 asked: 'Medical professionals of Reddit, have you ever had a patient so lacking in common sense you wondered how they made it this far. If so, what is your story?'

Doctor with arms crossed
Usman Yousaf/Unsplash

We get it adulting is hard.

But there are some things in life that don't require much beyond a high school education, yet so many people are clueless–particularly when it comes to matters of health and safety practices.

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Blatant Lies Patients Have Told Medical Professionals

Reddit user DrPloyt asked: 'Doctors and nurses of Reddit, what’s the most blatant lie a patient has told you about why they’re in the hospital?'

Doctor with arms crossed
Sasun Bughdaryan/Unsplash

In order for medical professionals to properly assess and diagnose a patient, the patient has to describe their symptoms as best they can.

But not every patient gives all the accurate information, possibly because they may be embarrassed about how they got into their predicament in the first place.

Regardless, doctors and nurses have seen it all and can tell if a patient is not being forthright.

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Photo by Picsea on Unsplash

When children are born, parents often say that they can immediately see the resemblance in their infant's face.

Even if they are just a bald, wrinkled mass, parents and grandparents are nonetheless convinced that they see their eyes, nose or smile in their newborn.

Of course, sometimes it's not the resemblance which is easiest to notice, but the lack of it.

Leading fathers in the delivery room to lose their joy almost instantly, wondering if they are, in fact, the father of the child in their wife's arms.

A question to which the answer is sometimes abundantly clear.

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A doctor is never a person you really want to see.

Attending doctor's appointments can be an anxiety-inducing experience for many of us.

Even if it's just a run-of-the-mill check-up, no one really wants to be there.

So why should people in the medical field feel any different than the rest of us?

After all, doctors make the worst patients.

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Medical Professionals Share Their Craziest 'They Shouldn't Have Survived' Experiences
Olga Guryanova/Unsplash

Doctors and nurses have witnessed many medical marvels, which is unsurprising given the fact that there are plenty of cases enough to inspire various medical dramas.

But while there are too many tragic incidents of patients not making it, there are just as many accounts of those who narrowly escaped death and lived to talk about them.

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