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People Explain Their Most Horrifying Penis Horror Stories
Tom Pumford on Unsplash


Medical mishap stories are like trainwrecks—you can't look away, or not read up.

Something about trauma and drama is too fascinating to let pass by.

We just have to hear more, even if it makes us queazy and then faint.

One of the worst body pain topics—at least for people who have one—involves the destruction of the penis. Even thinking about violent pain "down there" can cause tears.

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Nurse Denied A Guinness World Record Because She Wore Scrubs To London Marathon Instead Of A Dress—And Now Other Nurses Are Showing Their Support
FS Productions/Getty Images, @Luvdemgiants/Twitter

The modern nursing uniform rarely includes a dress, but Guinness World Records (GWR) states that a dress and hat must be worn to qualify for the record of fastest marathon in a nurses uniform.

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Human bodies are complex and amazing, and often just plain weird. There are many extremely rare ways that things can go wrong (or surprisingly right).

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Parents Reveal The Funniest Reason They've Been Called In To Collect Their Kids From School

Listen, kids are the literal best thing to happen to the world - as long as you aren't a fan of order or tidiness, literally or metaphorically speaking. As long as you embrace children as the beautiful agents of chaos that they are, you're good to go.

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