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Child on swings in golden sunlight
Photo by Johnny Cohen on Unsplash

Too many of us were told to grow up or that it would be wrong to continue to enjoy the things that made our childhoods worth remembering.

But now as adults, some have figured out that there's nothing wrong with enjoying a nice bowl of sugary cereal while watching those Saturday morning cartoons. Quite frankly, it feeds the soul.

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Customer walking down grocery store aisle with many empty product shelves
Martijn Baudoin on Unsplash

Whether it's a favorite food or a favorite brand, we all have brands and styles that we prefer above others.

And while it may not be the worst thing to ever happen to us, it can be a real bummer when a favorite item is discontinued.

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We are so innocent as children.

Innocent or gullible?

I think when we're young, we tend only to see only the good.

Because that's what instinctually we gravitate towards.

But it's a sad fact to learn later that the good is darker than we realize.

Not everything in childhood is a happy, innocent memory, no matter how badly our parents want to frame it.

The folks on Reddit can certainly attest to that!

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Mount Rushmore at sunset
Photo by Ronda Darby on Unsplash

Going back in time is a concept that we've all entertained at some point, often to make the living situation better for ourselves or soemone we love.

But there are so many other reasons that someone would want to go back in time.

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