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Obsolete Household Gadgets Younger Generations May Not Recognize

Reddit user motivetodayy asked: 'People born before 1980, What are some obsolete household items or gadgets from your childhood that younger generations may not even recognize?'

Technology has grown by leaps and bounds in the last few decades.

A lot of formerly everyday gadgets are now completely obsolete.

For example, unless you grew up when 8-track cartridges were a common music distribution medium, the very sight of a cartridge might be confusing.

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A glowing red sign that says "Nintendo Virtual Boy"
Photo by Senad Palic on Unsplash

Unless you grew up with the most doting parents on the planet, there's probably a toy or two that you really wanted as a kid, but never received.

Whether it was too expensive for your parents to afford, or something like a noisy toy that was going to be way too annoying for your parents, there are probably some toys that you really missed out on as a child.

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Album and turntable sitting beneath window
Photo by Travis Yewell on Unsplash

With millennials now reaching their thirties and forties, many are looking back on the childhood they had compared to the ones they're witnessing now.

With technology advances and a constant need to impress, these two worlds of childhood are undeniably different.

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Those who grew up between the '80s and early 2000s have a long memory of items and experiences that either went out of style or disappeared completely.

From early PC games to Blockbuster to favorite snacks, there's a lot to miss from childhood.

But the odd thing is how quietly some of these things went away, and how few people seemed to notice.

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Late '90s Chevy with blue wrap against funky '90s backdrop
Photo by Devin Berko on Unsplash

With certain trends coming back into fashion from the 1990s, as well as reboots from '90s kids' favorite TV shows and movies, some who were born since then might be wondering what all the fuss is about.

And the '90s kids were ready for a walk down memory lane.

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