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Man yawning
Photo by Miikka Luotio on Unsplash

We've all found ourselves annoyed by the ticks or habits of others.

Some of these are fairly common, such as chewing with your mouth open, cracking your knuckles, or whether or not they pronounce the "T" in often.

Some habits are a bit more unusual, though.

Only the people guilty of possessing these habits might not realize that they're unusual until they are told by someone else that practically no one, or literally no one, else does them.

It's an eye-opening, sometimes humiliating discovery.

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Therapists Explain Which 'Weird Confessions' Many Patients Are Afraid To Share That're Actually Quite Normal
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

There is no shame.

That is rule number one when in therapy.

We all share more in common mentally than we care to admit.

So don't be afraid of your truth.

A therapist can't help if you're too weirded out to talk it out.

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small school children with backpacks in Japan
note thanun on Unsplash

In one of the more memorable scenes of Crocodile Dundee, Mick "Crocodile" Dundee is perplexed by the discovery of a bidet in his New York hotel bathroom.

Since the film's 1986 release, bidets have become less and less common in America.

But young Americans traveling through Europe will likely find bidets in most hotel bathrooms, and react with the same confusion as good old Dundee.

One could almost say that one of the best parts of traveling abroad or expatriating is making discoveries about items, traditions or foods which are common in some countries, but would seem more than a little bizarre back in the US.

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People Break Down Which Things Are Widely Considered A Red Flag But Really Aren't That Bad
Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

I look for red flags constantly.

I like always being prepared.

Who knows what dangers are lurking?

Not every red flag signifies danger.

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People Break Down Which Addictions Are Seen As Completely Normal By Society
Photo by camilo jimenez on Unsplash

The term "addiction" more often than not comes with serious connotations attached to it.

Be it for drugs, alcohol, or gambling, addictions are usually viewed as a problem that needs to be fixed or cured.

But are there certain addictions that go unnoticed by the majority of people?

Or, more over, are there addictions that are, for the most part, accepted in modern society?

Redditor jperaic1 was certainly curious to know, leading them to take to Reddit to ask:

"What addiction is seen as completely normal by society?"
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