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People Share Their Best 'F**k This, I'm Outta Here' Experiences
Tara Moore/GettyImages

As much as many of us don't like to disrupt the status quo, there is only so much time a person can tolerate a miserable situation before things become so unbearable that they ultimately have to peace out.

For some people, it takes a while for them to reach a breaking point. Eventually, there comes a time when they realize their self-worth is more important than continuing to please others who don't appreciate them for the sake of keeping up with appearances.

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People Share Their Scariest 'We Need To Leave Right Now' Experiences
Jose Antonio Gallego Vazquez /Unsplash

There are few things in the world as surreal or unsettling as the sudden realization that you need to get away, and you need to get away now.

That building dread, rush of fear, and jolt adrenaline is one of those things you see in movies, or you hear talked about in self-defense classes, but there's nothing like experiencing it yourself.

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People Divulge Which Traits Instantly Make A Guy Unattractive
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

"How does someone so sexy be so damn repulsive, babe?" is one of my favorite lyrics from one of my favorite criminally underrated TV shows, Star. It's from the song Ain't About What You Got (a song which was originally for Ariana Grande, so it's got some vocal leaps) - which basically is the soundtrack to this article.

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People Explain Why They Never Want To Have Kids
Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

Becoming a parent is one of those things that should be a way bigger decision than society makes it out to be. Let's be honest, it's kind of weird that people are just expected to make more people.

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People Break Down Their Craziest 'I'm Out Of Here' Experiences
Photo by Tengyart on Unsplash

Sometimes, it becomes extremely clear that it's time to leave.

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