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Person waving goodbye
Ioana Cristiana/Unsplash

The lucky few who've managed to find love subtly gloat about their romantic status on their various social media platforms.

Who can blame them?

When you're enamored of your significant other and the feeling is mutual, they rightfully deserve to proclaim their love from the top of the highest mountain.

But sometimes it takes one incident or discovery about their soul mate to make them do a 180.

Sound familiar?

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People Divulge The One Thing They'll Never Change Their Mind About
Photo by Daniel Herron on Unsplash

We often surprise ourselves when our opinion on something unexpectedly changes.

Maybe a TV show we thought we hated is much better than we realized, one food pairs with another surprisingly well, it is possible to go a whole day without eating cheese.

On some matters though, we find our mind has not and likely will never change.

On things both significant, such as politics, or more frivolous, such as preferring cats to dogs, or the age old cilantro battle.

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People Share Their Best 'F**k This, I'm Outta Here' Experiences
Tara Moore/GettyImages

As much as many of us don't like to disrupt the status quo, there is only so much time a person can tolerate a miserable situation before things become so unbearable that they ultimately have to peace out.

For some people, it takes a while for them to reach a breaking point. Eventually, there comes a time when they realize their self-worth is more important than continuing to please others who don't appreciate them for the sake of keeping up with appearances.

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People Share The Real Reason They Cut All Ties With A Friend
Thomas Park on Unsplash

The gradual dissolution of friendships is a common and unfortunate part of growing up.

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People Break Down Which Activities They've Tried That They'll Never Do Again
Daniel Páscoa on Unsplash

Once is enough.

That is one of my life mantras.

And that's ok.

I'm never going to run the New York marathon.

I'm at peace with that because I ran a half marathon once and nearly stroked out.

So I'm good.

Once was enough.

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