non sexual

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Non-Sexual Things That Strangely Turn People On
Photo by Maia Habegger on Unsplash

There is no one way to anybody's heart or libido.

Sexy doesn't always have to equal raunchy.

I've known people turned on by music, books, nature, and even funerals (don't ask).

What starts someone's engine is a mystery.

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People Confess The Best Non-Sexual Pleasure
Lux Graves on Unsplash

This is going to be difficult to talk about without getting graphic, so let's be up front.

Yes, obviously consensual sex with someone you trust is unmatched in sensation and feeling in the physical world.

So what comes second to that?

A lot, actually, if the internet it to be believed.

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People Break Down The Best Non-Sexual Pleasure They've Ever Experienced
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Life is full of the simplest pleasures; we just have to be open enough to all of them. Pleasure is not singularly linked to the sexual aspects of our brains. Everything from a good grade to a winning lottery ticket can give us full on body spasms. For me, the sound of Adele can transcend me to a place of peace and send shivers of ecstasy down my spine. When you stop to enjoy the moments, you realize finding sensation, is far easier than we think.

Redditor u/neeluxmth26 wanted everyone to share about what certain things in life give us all the feels and tingles by asking... What is the best non-sexual pleasure or sensation a human can experience?
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People Share Their Absolute Favorite Non-Sexual Feelings
Image by tookapic from Pixabay

Life is chaotic and difficult.

Most things are out of our control, plenty of those things are tragic and stressful, and everybody else is facing the same uphill battle, so receiving regular support isn't always a sure thing.

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People Share The Most Intimate Non-Sexual Experience They've Had With Their Partner
Inna Lesyk /

For a lot of people intimacy and sex are so connected that you can't separate one from the other. This article isn't about those people - though they might find it to be an interesting read.

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