night owls

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"And things that go bump in the night..."

An old saying featured in just about every ghost story ever told, be it around a campfire or under a blanket-tent.

But every now and then, all of us do hear an unsettling noise which might wake us up in the middle of the night.

Something that might be an ongoing problem for night owls, who likely hear scary or unsettling sounds on a regular basis.

Redditor PatkaLopikju was curious to learn the creepiest and scariest sounds heard by people who are frequently awake in the early hours of the morning, leading them to take to Reddit to ask:

"Night Owls, what's the creepiest thing you heard at night?"
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I am very much a night owl. I quite like being up at night.

For one thing, it's quiet.

There's no one to bother me. If I want to watch television and vegetate, I can just do that.

If I want to do some work, I can get my work done without interruptions. It's pretty sweet.

Nothing particularly scary has ever happened either... yet. My fingers are crossed.

But others haven't exactly been so lucky.

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Night Owls Break Down The Creepiest Thing They've Ever Experienced Late At Night
Image by Foto-Rabe from Pixabay

The night holds so many secrets. And the darkness can be scary. But boy if I don't live for it. I have been a night person for decades. And the things I have seen would leave every person I know shooketh. And I know I'm not alone. So many people who dwell in the wee hours have all seen things that can be unable to explain. Let's start a group chat.

Redditor u/af**knugget wanted all of us who are awake at all hours of the darkness to unite and discuss by asking... [Serious] Night owls of Reddit, what was the creepiest/most terrifying thing you've experienced staying up late at night?
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Raise your hand if you're a night owl too.

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Being an insomniac or one who lives at night, aka, a vampire, can be an exhausting life or it can be exciting. The world doesn't stop turning in the wee hours, in fact the things that go bump in the night can lead to some fascinating or horrifying stories. While others are shut-eyed and dreaming nightmares at sundown, some of us are living through them. Now none of us will ever get to sleep now so we might as well share stories.

Redditor u/isolatedpsychopath wanted to know what sort of craziness is happening when everyone's eyes are shut by asking.... Night owls, what is the creepiest/scariest thing you have ever seen or heard whilst everyone was asleep?

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