nice things said

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People Share The Best Compliment They've Ever Received That They've Never Forgotten

A compliment can really turn your day around.

You have nice eyes. You have a great smile. You make me feel good when I see you. Any one of us, when we hear these things, immediately change our attitudes around.

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People Share The Nicest Thing Anyone Has Ever Said About Them To Their Face

In this day and age being kind is the ONLY way to go. So many of us are ready with a letdown or disrespectful remarks. What is the point? Be nice. Say kind things.... even if they're weird statements like... "I like your shoelaces!" Who cares why someone would say that.... as long as they don't strangle you with them. Say thank you and pass it on.

Redditor u/silverxtreme123 wants to know who has heard the best from others face to face (an anomaly this day and age or maybe not....let's find out) by asking..... People of reddit, what is the nicest thing someone has said to you?

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