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The Foods People Won't Eat Even If They Were Offered For Free

Reddit user Judgemental_Squirrel asked: 'What food aren't you eating even if it was free?'

Over the years, I've gotten a little more adventurous with my menu options.

I recently added pepper a decade ago.

I've also been dabbling in hot sauces as of late.

But I am bias against a lot of food.

My stomach is a coward.

And I'm ok with that.

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People Break Down Which Things You Should Never Do Once You Turn 30
claudia lam/Unsplash

The big 3-0. For some reason, turning 30 years old has become a very scary thing.

The past two years in particular have been very strange one's to turn the milestone age. Cosmopolitan interviewed a few people who turned 30 turning the pandemic.

One person said:

"Turning 30 is the point at which we're pressured to feel it 'all coming together.'"

Because no one had anything to do on their birthdays, and their once vibrant lives were on pause, that quarter-life crisis feeling wasn't as heavy. They were able to let go of the things they thought they needed in their 20s.

We went to Ask Reddit to learn more about what those things were that needed to change once you hit that magic number.

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People Explain Which Activities They've Vowed Never To Take Up
Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

Most of us have that one thing they strongly object to doing.

Any attempt at trying to convince a person to do something they are apprehensive about is futile because at the end of the day, we all have our kryptonite, and we will avoid confronting it at all costs.

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People Explain Which Things They'll Never Ever Do In Their Life
Wojciech Then/Unsplash

We all know we don't have endless time on this earth, so we prioritize things that we want to do while we are around. We create bucket lists and dream boards and imagine all the endless possibilities for adventure. Often, those bucket lists include dangerous acts like sky diving or deep sea exploration.

But what about things you would never do in your lifetime. Not for any other reason other than it being too fear inducing or too dangerous. We went to Ask Reddit to find out what those wild adventures are that just aren't worth the risk.

Some folks also shared that they made some serious life decisions that were important to their health and well being. Trying dangerous substances or staying on top of their weight loss was important and they never wanted to take that risk again.

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Americans Explain Which Things You Should Never Do In The United States
Photo by Joey Csunyo on Unsplash

It's always best to learn as much as you can about a place your visiting. Rules are constantly changing through every time zone.

When I visited London I was shocked and elated that I could drink on the streets. Just out of the bottle.

In America you'll be in handcuffs and in the drunk tank before you finish "Cheers!" That's why it's imperative to get acquainted with the American ways before you arrive. America can be strict.

Save the headache.

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