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Things People Will Never Order At A Restaurant

Reddit user DGex asked: 'Reddit. What will you never order at a restaurant?'

Restaurant Dining Room
Photo by Nick Karvounis on Unsplash

Be it an old familiar, or a new establishment that has been the talk of the town, restaurant diners are always faced with a challenge once they are handed a menu.

Do they stick with what they know, and order the burger and fries or spaghetti and meatballs, which are both difficult to screw up?

Or do they get a little adventurous, and try the restaurant's specialité, even if it's something they've never tried before in their lives?

Generally speaking, it tends to be on a case-by-case basis based on the restaurant they are dining in.

Of course, some people have such an aversion to certain ingredients or dishes, that no matter the location, they will never order it.

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People Explain Who They Could Never Be Friends With Under Any Circumstances
Photo by Duy Pham on Unsplash

Friendship is not something that can be forced.

As with any kind of relationship, it all depends on compatibility and chemistry, and thus must happen organically.

On the flip side though, it can be pretty clear when people will not end up being your friends, owing to a fundamental difference in personality or beliefs.

Redditor Chola_Bhatora was curious to hear the type of people the Reddit community would never become chummy with, leading them to ask:

"What kind of person would you never be friends with?"
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People Explain What They Will Never Do Under Any Circumstances
Photo by Beth Hope on Unsplash

Adventurous people will tend to give almost anything a try at least once, just for the sake of it.

Others might only be willing to try certain things if there was an incentive to do so, such as money or an exciting prize.

But more often than not, there are many things that people will absolutely never do, no matter the circumstance, no matter the amount of money offered.

Redditor chezjvr was curious what things would be an unequivocal hard pass for the Reddit community, leading them to ask:

"What will you never ever do under any circumstances?"
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People Explain What They Will Boycott Until They Die
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

There are just some hills we plant our feet on and pledge to hold out until death.

We have to put our money and influence where our mouths are.

And sometimes boycotting is the way to go.

If a certain clothing line uses child labor... and you care... as you should... you buy a different line.

I'm looking at you Kathy Lee!

You get the idea.

Let's hear what hills everyone is on.

Redditor SteelTookSteroids wanted to discuss all the things people will not support, no matter what. They asked:

"What's something you're boycotting till the day you die?"
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People Break Down Which Questions You Should Never Ask On A First Date
Priscilla Du Preez/Unsplash

Dating during a pandemic is a little awkward. Some people have tried dating over zoom, other have tried going on dates outdoors.

Though one thing that still remains are topics and questions that should just be avoided on a first date.

Not everyone is comfortable talking about intimate details in their life when they're just starting to get to know someone. Opening up too quickly could set off a red flag.

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