never again

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People Explain What They've Done Once In Their Lifetime And Never Again
Photo by Reza Salehan on Unsplash

Have you ever done something new or scary and decided once is enough? For me, it was ice skating. The first -- and only -- time I went, I made it out relatively unscathed. However, my friend, who was an experienced skater, ended up needing ankle surgery after a fall. I never went ice skating again.

Life is made up of experiences, good and bad, and we can only get those experiences if we're willing to try something new. Of course, it's totally okay if you tried something and decided never to do it again. The important thing is that you tried.

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People Explain Which Things They'll Absolutely Never Do Again
Image by Foundry Co from Pixabay

Some things ought not be tried again.

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People Break Down Which Brands They'll Never Buy From Ever Again
Image by athree23 from Pixabay

With so many options for nearly every product on the market, people have exactly zero patience whatsoever when a brand disrespects their time or money.

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"I'm never doing that again," they said, after drinking too much Moonshine and waking up on top of a garage. Some things you only need to do once.

-Schino- asked Redditors that have learned their lesson: What are some of your "Well, I'm never doing that again" moments?

Submissions have been edited for clarity, context, and profanity.

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Being a consumer can be a stressful situation. It's always fun to shop and splurge on yourself with treats now and again. But the treats half the time can turn out to be lemon. And not the fresh citrus kind. You never know if a certain product is overhyped or if that used item maybe just a little more used than you hoping for. One of the most frustrating parts of shopping is having to cause a scene in the return line. Those people are always a trip.

Redditor u/nachtstiel wanted consumers to share... What is something that you are NEVER F**KING BUYING AGAIN?

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