near death

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gold-colored desert
Photo by Holden Baxter on Unsplash

We all want to believe we are perfectly safe, but the fact is, the world can be a scary and dangerous place sometimes.

For the most part, we can protect ourselves, but sometimes we end up in dangerous situations through no fault of own (or anyone else's).

Redditors are no strangers to situations like these. In fact, some of them have been in actual near-death situations, and they are ready to share those stories.

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Dying is a scary concept that haunts us as humans no matter who we are or where we are in our lives.

Some of us have gotten way closer to death than we would have liked. Fortunately for those people, they lived to tell the tale--and lived to tell what exactly went through their brains in that last pivotal moment.

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People Share The Worst 'Minor' Injuries They've Ever Sustained
Photo by Franck V. on Unsplash

Pain is not gain.... pain is just pain; especially for the sensitive souls out there. However when put into perspective, a toothache is not as excruciating as a knife wound to the abdomen... but it's a close second. We've all survived our fair share of "minor" injuries and we live to tell the tale. We have to be careful accidents and mishaps can happen at the drop of a hat. Like pulling your back, a minor injury caused by bending over. Be careful people. It may not be ER worthy but the body isn't invincible.

P.S.... Paper cuts kill.... spread the word.

Redditor u/DorfGANG wanted everyone to tell us about their tales of survival by asking.... What is the worst "minor" injury?
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When you are but a breath away from the wrong step and certain death, life shifts perspective for you.

Humans sometimes forget that they are mortal and that at any moment, they may face the end of their lives. When confronted with that mortality, people have a hard time fully grasping that. It can cause a full shift in their lives.

And chances are, you'll never forget the incident that almost ended your life.

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Have you ever wondered what a near-death experience is like?

We've seen them dramatized in film and TV countless times. A white light, a figure, "turn back, it's not your time;" the whole shebang. But what is it actually like?

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