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The Worst Names People Have Ever Given Their Child

Reddit user Corollo_Bro_91 asked: 'What is the dumbest name you've ever heard someone give their child?'

Newborn baby crying (perhaps over their interesting name)
Photo by Tim Bish on Unsplash

Choosing baby names is one of those tasks that's a weirdly hot-button subject for some people who believe their opinion should always be taken into consideration, even when it comes to someone else's family.

But sometimes, listening to a third party's opinion would not be the worst thing.

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People Abroad Share The Most Generic 'John Smith' Names From Their Home Country
Shane Rounce on Unsplash

We like to think we're individual snowflakes, dancing around on this planet until we land on the soft, gentle tongue of death.


Turns out, we're not as unique as we think. Ever meet someone with the same name as you? Weird, right?

How do we tell Jennifer apart from Jennifer, or which Zach is the one with brown hair and the one with blonde.

Thankfully your name isn't something so unbelievably common sounding that it sounds made up, like John Smith, or something.

That's only here in America, though. What about the rest of the world?

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What's in a name?

Well, a lot.

Our names are quite central to our identities, so having someone misspell them can feel like an affront. It's the most basic measure of respect to spell someone's name properly.

But what if your parents gave you an intentionally misspelled name?

Whatever the reason, an intentionally misspelled name can have detrimental effects. It could make finding a job harder, for instance.

Some countries even have naming laws for this reason.

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People Debate The Worst Name Someone Could Give Their Child
Image by gabrielle_cc from Pixabay

I feel like over the course of the last decade or so there has been an uptick in people changing their names when they reach adulthood. Some people make some good changes and others, are clearly too high to be making such life altering choices. But a lot of theses names are being changed, because parents themselves, were clearly incapable of properly making some of these decisions as well. And society has taken notice.

Redditor u/Hasden2007 wanted to discuss the names people have given their kids that make us all feel bad that some people have kids by asking... What is the worst name you could give a child?
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People Share The Coolest Names They've Ever Heard
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

What is in a name? It's only your main title for life. Your name is something that precedes you before you even enter a room. So you would think parents would put some extra thought into the process, especially if one has a "unique" last name. Of course over the years people have taken it upon themselves to legally change names, and that can be something even more.... special. But often times many mixture of names turn out pretty rad and with a good story.

Redditor u/Dull-Ad-6956 wanted to discuss what names maybe making the best of lists for the next decade by asking.... What Is The Coolest Name you've ever Heard?
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