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Flat earth protest
Photo by Kajetan Sumila on Unsplash

It's easy to roll our eyes at the ludicrous things people still somehow believe.

For instance, the earth is flat, or the moon landing never happened.

All of which are nothing more than sensational conspiracy theories with no facts to back them up.

That being said, even those who laugh at others for believing ludicrous things often still believe a conspiracy theory or two of their own.

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People Dispel Common Survival Myths That Could Get You Killed
Zdeněk Macháček/Unsplash

We are living in an age where misinformation is readily accessible and is wrongly implemented to disastrous effect.

Specifically harmful are the ones that entail spurious tips on how to survive in moments of peril.

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Thanks to a lot of bad press and well, a really rough couple of decades, America's image has tarnished a bit.

So we need to get some clean up going.

There are things other countries just don't understand about us.

We can guide them.

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People Share Myths Passed From One Generation To The Next That Some Folks Still Believe
Jack Hamilton on Unsplash

It's truly absurd how many people out there believe all sorts of medical myths. Believe it or not, there is no magic pill designed to help you lose weight.

For most people it's as simple as diet and exercise—and yes, what that looks like will depend a lot on your own body, which is why meeting with a dietician or speaking with a trainer might be a good option if you want to delve a bit deeper.

There is no crazy new diet or detox regimen that will help you out... unless you want to risk your health.

Sorry to disappoint.

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People Break Down The Weirdest Conspiracy Theories They Actually Believe In
Photo by Tom Radetzki on Unsplash

The UFO crash art Area 51.

Marisa Tomei didn't actually win the Oscar.


These are only a handful of outrageous, some might even say ridiculous, conspiracy theories which continue to be spread across America, and which people continue to believe.

Though some of these cases have been debunked by scientific evidence, people still continue to believe them, and will simply refuse to hear otherwise.

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