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Little boy peeking through a crack
Photo by bady abbas on Unsplash

"Don't step on a crack or you'll break your mother's back".

"If you make too many funny faces, they'll eventually get stuck."

"Watching too much TV can make your eyes fall out."

Three of the many superstitions parents, teachers, and other authoritative adults tell children in hopes of getting them to behave.

It doesn't take long for children to realize that these are all merely myths.

This doesn't mean that there aren't plenty of well-educated adults who still believe silly myths like these.

In spite of bountiful scientific evidence, not to mention common sense, some people remain convinced that superstitions and folklore, no doubt meant to frighten or entertain, are actually based in reality.

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If you make too many funny faces, your face will stay that way permanently.

Watch too much tv and your eyes will fall out.

Break a mirror and it's seven years of bad luck.

These are among the many myths and superstitions we heard as children, more often than not from our parents and teachers as a way of scaring us into behaving.

But while there is not one ounce of truth to any of these tall tales, there are many who still believe them, and many more.

Redditor RedditPersonIf was curious to learn what superstitions people continue to believe are true, leading them to ask:

"What myths are obviously false, yet most people still believe they are true?"
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People Break Down Which Common Cooking Tips Are Actually Completely Wrong
Becca Tapert/Unsplash

As an experienced cook and someone who is passionate in the kitchen, I'm gonna need every single one of you to stop lying about this whole "no such thing as too much garlic" thing.

There absolutely *is* a such thing as too much garlic, especially if it's improperly timed and bitter, chewy, etc...

Especially, especially if the recipe is ice cream.

Garlic ice cream should not be a thing, but it is.

ANY garlic is too much garlic for an ice cream recipe, in my opinion.

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People Dispel Myths That Are Still Widely Believed Today
Photo by Pierre Bamin on Unsplash

How can an entire race stay so gullible for so long?

There are lies that we are still being fed and swallowing to this day.

Myths have a long shelf life, even when proven false.

We need to start digging deeper and then settle with reality.

I guess childhood naivete really is hard to let go of.

Redditor GlamourzZ wanted to expose some long overdue truths. They asked:

"What’s a myth/pseudoscientific belief that has been debunked many times, but people still believe?"
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People Share Survival Myths That Can Actually Get Someone Killed
Chase Baker on Unsplash

People can learn a lot from movies, but it would be wise for audiences to take any imparted wisdom with a grain of salt.

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