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People Who Take Long Showers Explain What They're Really Doing In There
Andrea Davis on Unsplash

For some, showering is a chore, and as a result, they will do their best to get in and out of the shower as quickly as possible.

For others though, showering is an indulgence, and take their sweet time enjoying it.

It does beg the question, does it really take 20 minutes or more to wash one's hair and body?

Or do people get up to other things while enjoying the solitude and the (presumably) hot water.

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People Share Their All-Time Favorite Mysteries That Were Actually Solved
Photo by Blake Lisk on Unsplash

The world is full of mysteries. Why are we here? What's at the bottom of the ocean? Is there other intelligent life in the universe?

Humans are naturally curious creatures, so we find mysteries in every corner of our universe. And when we can finally solve those mysteries, it's so satisfying for our little squirrelly brans.

Luckily, there are an abundance of mysteries we have solved in our time on earth.

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People Explain Which Unsolved Mysteries Have Always Stayed With Them

It's easy to see how the many unsolved mysteries of the world easily grab our attention and hold on to it once we learn about them. There was a whole long-running television series dedicated to the subject, after all.

It doesn't take much to get lost down the research rabbit hole on a slow afternoon researching your favorite mystery, trying to find the answer to what really happened.

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Warning: The following entries contain disturbing material and may not be suitable for everyone.

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People Share The Greatest Online Mysteries From The 'Early Days' Of The Internet
Alex Knight on Unsplash

Hail to ye citizens of internet who still remember "the before times" - back when this was all a series of message boards and geocities - in the days when the fanciest bit of coding to be found was that one scene kid's Myspace page with the twinkling background.

This article is for you, old timer.

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