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The Closest People Have Ever Come To Killing Someone

"Reddit user BBQPancake asked: 'What was the closest you've gotten to killing someone?'"

We all... could be a Dateline NBC villain.

Life pushes us.

Of course, there are also times when accidents happen and we prove life is fragile.

One never knows what actions they will one day be responsible for.

More deep breaths should be taken.

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When it's time to go... GO!

Our guts know when it's time time to exit.

Knowing how to run and save yourself is important.

That little voice in our minds always knows when something is up.

Don't deny it.

It's especially obvious when a murderer is chasing you, or someone is on fire running toward you.

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Though we learn about criminals when they're caught, it doesn't mean they're not brilliant.

It takes a lot of planning and patience to pull off the bigger ideas.

That's why there is such a hefty penalty for pre-meditation.

Maybe that's why we're obsessed with the true crime stories that roll out over time and aren't a quick news blip.

We're fascinated by the genius and the almost near cover-ups.

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People are killed every single day. Some are murdered in horrific fashion, feeding the insatiable appetites of true crime fanatics but traumatizing the victim's surviving family members.

Many murders happen in cities of course but others happen in small towns, which many people consider idyllic safe havens from urban crime. Of course, you or your loved ones can be the victim of a crime at any time. A sad and scary fact.

People shared some info with us after Redditor RookTheBlindSnake asked the online community,

"What's your small town murder story?"
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CW: Suicide.

Finding a dead body is one of my worst fears.

The only one I've ever found was my grandma's.

She was dying of cancer so it wasn't horrific.

Blood makes me faint, so any horrific scenes will not go well for me.

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