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People Share The Crimes That Were So Brutal They Still Give Them Chills

Reddit user Electrical-Lemon187 asked: 'What crime was so brutal you get chills just thinking about it?'

CW: Assault and abuse.

Everyone loves a good true crime mystery.

The number of documentaries and podcasts reporting on murder and mass madness has tripled over the years.

People still make Dateline NBC, 20/20, and 48 Hours must-see TV.

Some cases should be too brutal to watch.

Yet we can't help ourselves.

We just can't seem to get enough.

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People Confess Which Fictional Detectives They'd Trust To Solve Their Murder
Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash

I love true crime shows.

And fake crime shows.

I can't help it, and I know I'm not alone.

My favorite crime-fighting team is of course... "Buffy and her misfit Scooby gang."

But when dealing with more real-life crime and murder, there is one name on the top of my list.

Olivia Benson. First, last, and always!

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People Debate The Worst Ways Someone Can Die

I fear death.

I wake up in cold sweats dreaming about it.

I think about it in my waking hours.

It's an obsession and clearly, I'm not alone.

But there are more preferred ways to exit.

All we can do is hope to be lucky enough to skip the mercilessly awful.

Please just let me go quick and in my sleep.

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At this point in life... what isn't scary?

I have a shock or two on the regular.

Whether it's that late night walk home alone or the thunder roar that can be heard from miles away; so many things can get the heart racing.

You hear on the news stories of stray dead bodies and people being chased by psychos.

At this point... why leave the house?

\Redditor Mlltr was hoping everyone would be willing to share some stories about the times they were left shooketh! They asked:

"What is the scariest thing you have experienced?"
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People Describe The Most Evil Person They've Ever Met
Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash

Evil walks among us.

That is a difficult fact of life.

Not everybody is a good person.

I'm trying to not be one of those people on the news who "never would've thought!"

But now and again, we're gonna end up surprised and sad.

So let's discuss the people who shooketh us.

Redditor rentinghappiness wanted to know about times we've all faced down darkness. They asked:

"Who is the most evil person you’ve ever met?"
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