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I didn't know how much use I'd get out of my Instant Pot or my air fryer until I got them. They totally changed my cooking game and helped me save so much time prepping and cleaning up.

If you were to ask me if they were among the best purchases I've ever made me, I'd have to say yes. And yeah, I will continue to sing the praises of both of these household items to everyone I meet.

These are just two examples of things that turned out to be well worth the purchase, however.

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People Who Moved Out Of Their Parents' Home Before Turning 30 Share Their Experiences
Michal Balog/Unsplash

After having grown up inside the protective environment that was your childhood home, the inevitable time to leave and carve out your own path without a safety net can be terrifying.

Emotions can vary–with some people itching to leave their trappings while others terrified of adulting in the real world.

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Americans Break Down What It Would Take For Them To Move To Europe For A Job
Shari Sirotnak/Unsplash

Listen ... we're just gonna be totally honest with you.

The answer is "not much" IF loved ones can come too.

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The United States is going through a bit of growing pains, isn't it?

Between the social climate feeling extremely toxic while the political divide only grows and grows, moving away to another country starts to sound like a promising prospect.
Where would you move, though?
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People Share The Best Tips And Tricks For Young Adults Living On Their Own For The First Time
Photo by Karl Solano on Unsplash

Living on your own for the first time can seem like a walk in the park—you're finally free to do what you want, when you want. But it's not all sunshine and roses, since living by yourself means you have to handle any unforseen crises that come up, and you have to do your own laundry.

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