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People Share The Best Examples Where The Villain Was Ultimately Right
Photo by Pawel Janiak on Unsplash

Every good story needs a villain.

Someone viewers and readers love to hate, who makes it their mission to get in the way of the protagonist fulfilling their ultimate goal.

But... are all villains truly evil?

Of course, no one can condone world domination, kidnapping or vile acts of violence.

However, not all villains do what they do just to be mean, and their actions might even have a semblance of logic to them.

Making viewers and readers question if they were ultimately right.

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There's some extremely common misconceptions flying around society.

Either that, or a lack of willingness to learn certain things. It's unclear which. But there are things that humans at large tend to completely either disregard or continually mistake without a thought or care, Is it intentional ignorance?

Some people are fed up with this lack of understanding, and seek to change the way society sees them.

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