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Women Explain Which Mistakes Dads Make Raising Daughters

Reddit user Bluemonday82 asked: 'Daughters of reddit: what's the biggest mistake dads make with their daughters?'

man with girl on his shoulders

Brittani Burns on Unsplash

"Daddy's Girl, Daddy's Girl, I'm the center of Daddy's world..." ~ "Daddy's Girl" by Red Sovine

A lot has been written about the bond between fathers and daughters.

But there's always room for improvement, right?

And who better to offer constructive criticism than daughters?

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People Reveal The Worst Mistakes They've Ever Made

A Redditor asked: 'What is the worst mistake of your life?'

We've all made mistakes.

Most of the time, these mistakes don't have major consequences in our lives, such as putting salt in our coffee instead of sugar, or taking a wrong turn and adding a bit more time to our journey.

There are some mistakes we've made in our lives, however, which we spend nearly every night regretting and giving anything to go back in time to change.

Perhaps the most unnerving thing about these mistakes though, is that we didn't even begin to think we were making a mistake at the time.

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two people enjoying coffee
Photo by Chewy on Unsplash

As Jane Austen so famously taught us in her immortal classic Pride and Prejudice, first impressions can be deceiving.

For while the dashing Fitzwilliam Darcy first appeared arrogant, rude, and snobbish to Elizabeth Bennett, she would soon learn that he was, in fact, the true love of her life.

However, even if we shouldn't jump to conclusions based solely on a first impression, that doesn't mean we shouldn't be cautious about certain things we notice.

A "red flag," as it were.

There are many people who deeply regret entering into what proved to be an ill-advised romantic relationship, or hiring an employee who proved anything but up to the task, feeling that they missed the obvious sign back when they first met them that this was an association bound to end in disaster.

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Man in mall with shopping bags
Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

Every now and again, we can't help but make an "impulse purchase."

When we see something in a store window, in a catalog, or while surfing online, and think to ourselves, "I must have that!"

Then we waste no time in buying it.

Even if it was more money than we likely wanted to spend.

Of course, down the line, we might realize that doing so probably wasn't the best idea.

Be it an item of clothing that doesn't fit, a gadget that doesn't work, or something that just wasn't at all what it appeared to be, we find ourselves wishing more than anything that we didn't make this purchase.

Or at least kept the receipt.

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When people visit the United States of America for the first time, they often have a list of places to see and things to do (and eat!).

Get a hot dog in New York City before attending a Broadway show, take in the spectacular views of the Grand Canyon, or soak in the sunny beaches of Florida.

Of course, like anywhere on Earth, there are also some places and things which should be avoided at all costs.

Then too, not all guidebooks can give you all the information on things to be wary of in the most visited places in the country.

Some of which might save you a dollar or two, and some of which might actually save your life.

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