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Trans People Share Their Biggest 'Culture Shock' Experiences After Transitioning
Elevate on Unsplash

Gender transition is a lot more complicated than pop culture usually makes it out to be (there is no such thing as a single "The Surgery", for example [and don't ask trans people about their surgical history if you're not their medical provider. That's a really weird thing to do.]) and not all transgender people will choose to, or be able to, transition. Sometimes transition looks like simply asking the people around you to use a different name and different pronouns to refer to you, and sometimes it might look like starting hormone replacement therapy or seeking gender-affirming surgeries—or any number of other things.

People who do transition tend to notice big differences in the way that the people around them act, and not just the people who knew them before and during their transitions. A lot of the ways strangers treat you are based on split-second judgements based on the way you look, dress, or behave, so changing those things can significantly change the way you're treated.

If you're interested in some of those often drastic and fascinating changes people noticed in others' behavior throughout their transitions, keep reading.

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Conservative Podcaster Gets Epic History Lesson After Complaining About Women Fighting With Swords In 'The Witcher'
L: @JasonSCampbell / Twitter, R: The Witcher / Netflix

This week, another conservative commentator was schooled for their misogynist take on fictional entertainment.

People has had no problem giving him a lesson.

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Male Pastors Read Sexist Comments People Made About Their Female Colleagues—And Their Reactions Are All Of Us
NCCUMC / Vimeo

Sexism in the workplace is nothing new.

It's been going on for ages.

There are some situations, though, that you sort of expect that people would just ... be better about.

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Woman Calls Out Men's Misogynistic Thinking After Her Boss Calls A Random Woman's Picture 'Slutty'
Westend61/Getty Images, @sswyrs/Twitter

It can often be hard to believe that, in the 21st century, misogyny can still be so rampant.

But one viral thread recently pointed out just how deeply ingrained and pervasive it truly is in our society.

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Men Of Twitter Responded In The Best Way When Asked How They've Stood Up To Misogynistic Behavior

The #MeToo movement signaled the dawning of a new era of women's empowerment.

They were encouraged and supported by their peers to come forward with their stories that were formerly hidden out of shame and fear.

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