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People Describe The Most Statistically Unlikely Thing That's Ever Happened To Them
Photo by lee junda on Unsplash

Getting struck by lighting, winning the lottery, meeting someone else with your exact name who also shares your birthday.

For better or worse, the likelihood of any of these things happening to you is incredibly small.

And yet, there are still a handful of lucky, or unlucky, people who have experienced one, or all, of the above.

Even if the odds are against us by a significant margin, some people will go through an experience which they would never in a million years dream would happen to them.

Leaving them with quite some stories to tell.

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The world is a dumpster fire right now.

I don't know why I even watch the news.

There have to be brighter tales to hear and share.

There are still good humans left, right?

Redditor ItsTheCess wanted us to spread some seriously needed good cheer. They asked:

"What are some good things happening in the world right now?"
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People Explain Which Scientific Achievements They'd Like To See Before They Die
Photo by Josh Riemer on Unsplash

Advancements in science happen every day in every way.

But often it feels like we are still so far behind.

How have we not cured so many diseases?

Shouldn't we know more about space?

What is Jello really made of?

So much to ponder and understand.

Maybe one day.

We all have a bucket list of what we'd like to see cured or invented before our last breaths.

Let's discuss...

Redditor yoda2060wanted to discuss all the science that needs to be devoured before the sand runs out of the hourglass. They asked:

"What scientific achievement you would like to see before you die?"
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People Share The First Thing They'd Do If They Became God
Davide Cantelli on Unsplash

It's fun to imagine gaining a superpower.

But what if you gained the ultimate power?

The power of an omnipotent God?

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Doctors Share The Most Unexplainable Miracles They've Ever Witnessed In Their Patients
Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

Life is beautiful and can be full of miracles on the daily. Now I know in this day and age, especially in the year 2020, hope in miracles is a difficult concept to believe in but try, they keep happening. Medical miracles occur regularly, or maybe science is just that certain. Who knows? Every once and awhile people pull a Lazarus. You can be on the brink teetering towards the end and suddenly, a turnaround. Proof that our bodies alone are a miracle. So keep the faith.

Redditor u/poetsnaps wanted doctors and medical staff to give us some hope about life by asking.... [Serious] Doctors of Reddit, what unexplainable miracles have you seen in your profession?
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