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Life is complicated, but there are so many things that are worth being thankful for, even in the day-to-day.

But of course, there are some things that we would love to see in our lifetimes that would make living that much sweeter.

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People Break Down The Scariest Thing That's Ever Happened To Them
Photo by Hans Eiskonen on Unsplash

Life is really just a game of survivor, but not the reality series.

Being scared is a part of being alive. Being scared and living to tell about it.

Everyday occurrences can easily turn into a dance with death. Just try driving in Manhattan.

Redditor Luca_F123 wanted to hear about all the things and experiences that have left people shook to the core, by asking:

"People of Reddit, what’s the scariest thing that’s ever happened to you?"
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People Who've Survived An Accident Without Major Injuries Share Their Stories
Image by Ngoc Tang from Pixabay

Life is not guaranteed. Every second is fleeting and could be your last! Feel better about the state of the world? I do.

I'm not here to coddle you, I'm here for truth kids. Danger abounds like mosquitoes in summer. But... there is hope.

We can survive. Everyday we all face insurmountable, life threatening situations, just by crossing the street, or going to Starbucks. And in some instances we survive actual near tragedy.

Who hasn't heard the tales of people walking away from the jaws of life with barely a scratch scratch? It can happen, but often it's rare. So let's discuss them.

Redditor u/CrownedBird wanted to hear about some major miracles by asking:

What moment made you say "Yep, I'm definitely dead", but survived with no major injuries?
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People Who Almost Died Describe How A Gut Decision Saved Their Life
Image by Daniel Reche from Pixabay

Listen close... to the that inner voice never lies. And the truth is... we're all a little bit psychic, we just don't know it. It's a strange feeling to digest, those moments that we can't explain. We often tend to try to shake off the indescribable, but that would be a mistake. Hearing out that voice, can save a life, many lives, especially one's own.

Redditor u/IcarusTheTaker wanted to hear why we should listen more to that inner voice we tend to ignore by asking... (Serious) People who almost died, but lived because of a gut decision, what's your story?

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People Share Their Craziest 'Nobody Will Ever Believe This' Experiences
Image by Gerhard G. from Pixabay

Sometimes the greatest moments and accomplishments in life go unwitnessed. And when only your eyes have seen it the mind asks... did that just really happen?

I once found a basketball on a desolate playground. I am far from a sports person, I still call touchdowns, home runs. When I played basketball as an adolescent, it was a traumatizing experience... for the other players, the coach and the audience. The very few times I was about to grab the ball it would be thrown everywhere but into the net. I finally gave up to save others.

So imagine my shock on that quiet day in the park when I thought, for laughs, let me throw this ball. So I did, and from fifteen feet away... it landed into the net. Just like a movie moment, but without the cheers or a witness. I still can't believe it and have NEVER been able to replicate it.

Redditor u/Regularpaytonhacksaw wanted to hear about the times when we've all been left in a state of shock by what we've witnessed by asking... What is your "nobody will ever believe this" story?
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