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Person texting with silver flip phone
Photo by Curology on Unsplash

When we're kids, we're taught by our parents, teachers, and other adults that what we're being taught is a skill that will stick with us forever, so we'd better master it and do so quickly.

But as any '90s kid will tell you, some things like balancing checkbooks and researching out of an encyclopedia really do become obsolete skills over time.

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It hit me a while ago that millennials aren't the "young" generation anymore.

Wild, huh?

Then what's up with all those articles still blaming us for the collapse of the economy or for eating too much avocado toast?

Given that we're "old" now (help!) we've accrued enough life experience to have a regret or two.

No one learns at the same pace—some lessons take a longer while to sink in for some people than for others.

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People Share The Most Gen Z Comment They've Ever Heard
Christina @

Generation Z, the generation that follows Millennials, are now somewhere between the ages of seven and 24. With the oldest of their generation being in their early 20s and late teens, they're bound to leave their mark on internet culture and social media.

Though we are still getting to know this generation, they have already shown themselves to be influential on the digital world. They're capitalizing off of their quirks with Instagram influencer brand deals and going viral for TikTok dance videos.

Since they've taken the reins, we see especially from the Black community, new waves of pop culture references that trend so fast it will make your head spin. Redditors told us some of the most typical things a Gen Z kid will say.

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People Reflect On Trends They Want To Bring Back From The 1980s or 90s

The 80s and the 90s are the ultimate decades of nostalgia for millennials. We were born between 1981 and 1996 and as such grew up in some of the most formative decades for the contemporary American landscape.

The 80s and the 90s also marked the last periods of time before technology would completely take over the world--those of us who were children in the 90s remember a childhood both before and after technology entered it.

As such that creates a lot of nostalgia for a time that truly seems as if it will never come back.

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Millennials Describe The Most 'Middle-Aged' Thing They've Ever Said
Image by Robin Higgins from Pixabay

According to Gen-Z, Millennials are just old people who can't perfect a middle part and have a weird obsession with Harry Potter. As a 26 year old, I may as well be dead to them. In fact, I find myself doing a lot of “old people things", like getting excited about new socks, and unironically listening to the oldies station on Spotify.

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