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three young men at a table in a library looking at a laptop
Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Life is moving so fast.

Everytime we get used to something it seems like it evolves and we have to learn more.

I miss CD's. Spotify confuses me.

AOL chat rooms were simple. What the H*LL is Discourse? Or Discontent?

I miss TV just being on channels in the box.

There are so many apps I have cold sweats.

And I can just tap my credit card and pay for things?

It's too much.

But all the things I learned will soon be gone.

Like the OG Toys 'R Us.

Time to say farewell...

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The Phrase 'OK Boomer' Has Already Made Its Way Into The Official Supreme Court Record
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

The phrase "OK Boomer" was added in the official record of the Supreme Court of the United States.


Chief Justice John Roberts himself invoked the popular refrain—a phrase often used in internet memes to describe out of touch older adults.

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Teenagers Explain How Millennials Are Already Out Of Touch

The world is on fire. Literally. Civilization seems to have completely lost it's way. And every generation is looking for another to blame. And Lord there is plenty of blame to go around. The newbies... the Generation Z... have some strong opinions and thoughts for the Millennials. How could they not? The Z's have the most to lose before they've even begun.

Redditor u/joe_internet wanted to hear from all the grown' children out there about their opinions on the generation before them by asking....

Kids and teenagers of Reddit, what are some ways Millenials are already out of touch?

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Millennials Share What 'The Rest Of Us' Just Don't Understand
quinntheislander / Pixabay

Blaming millennials for all of the world's ills is a popular pastime of late, but the reality is that we don't have that kind of power. If we did, we would have fixed all of the things people complain about by now.

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Jimmy Kimmel Tried To Get Young People To Read Analog Clocks—And The Results Were Disastrous
Jimmy Kimmel Live/YouTube

If you were born between 1985 and today, there is a good chance you never learned how to read an analog clock. (You know, the round thing with hands?)

It used to be taught in schools, but these days, schools have bigger fish to fry, and analog clocks are slowly becoming a thing of the past.

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