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People Share The Most Disturbing Facts They Know
Photo by Richard Bell on Unsplash

Ever take a look online?

It certainly feels like everything about the world, as of writing, is awful, terrible, and just downright no good. While there's positives out there to be found, don't purposefully overlook the subjectively bad stuff.

There's knowledge to be gained from this practice, so be sure to look at the dark and bleak facts of the world.

Reddit user, RefrigeratorDry495, wanted to hear some truly awful things when they asked:

"What are some simple yet incredibly disturbing/scary facts?"

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They protect our country with everything they've got. Us civilians appreciate what they do, but unfortunately some of our service members come with a price- the military spouses. Here are some of the craziest stories out there, brought to you by Reddit.

u/soldier01073 asked: Service members of reddit. What is your worst military wife story?

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Military Personnel Recall The Most Hilarious Punishments They've Seen Given Out
Diego González on Unsplash

Sure, a career in the military is a tough choice.

But that doesn't mean you can't have any fun. Once in a while punishment comes along with a few laughs.

Thank God for the laughs while you're in service right?

A serious career path like that definitely needs some levity.

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Sometimes we jump into things that we don't fully understand. This pertains to many different crossroads of life. We don't always know where we'll end up, but sometimes hindsight is truly always 20/20.

u/dumbuffoon asked: Military members of reddit, what's one thing you wish that you knew before joining?

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North Carolina University Surprises 99-Year-Old WWII Vet By Granting Her Commencement Wish Decades After She Made History

After missing commencement exercises because she was already using her degree and teaching, PFC Elizabeth Barker Johnson will finally have the chance to walk across the stage and experience the thrill of graduation.

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