mental health

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man in blue dress shirt sitting on yellow chair
Photo by Mark Williams on Unsplash

One morning at work, I was having a conversation with a co-worker. The subject was something we had discussed before: me, freaking out about possibly being let go since I was the last one hired and many businesses hadn't recovered the losses they suffered due to COVID.

My co-worker, who had previously just listened to me and offered platitudes, gave me some real advice that morning. The advice had come straight from her therapist.

"Think about your worry and think about if there is evidence to support that worry. If not, you shouldn't worry."

It seems simple, but it really helped me. While many businesses didn't recover, the company I worked for had, meaning there was no reason to worry about my job -- unless, of course, I spent so much time fretting over getting fired that my output suffered.

In an age where mental health is so important, therapists can really help with coping mechanisms, advice, and even your general outlook on life. Redditors know this is true and are ready to share some of the most valuable lessons they've learned in therapy.

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People Break Down How They'd React If They Couldn't Have Sex Anymore Due To Physical Or Mental Issues
Photo by Ethan Sykes on Unsplash

Sex isn't everything.

But it can be something many of us take for granted.

But when it's gone... you notice.

Some move on, and some grieve.

And for many Redditors, this situation wasn't a hypotherical.

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I have depression. It's not overwhelming, and it's not something that I use to define myself, but it's there, and there are times when it hits me, and it's debilitating.

Not everyone understands why I have depression.

They think that because I have a good life with wonderful friends, a great family, a good job, a nice place to live, and no huge problems I have nothing to be sad about. They don't understand that depression isn't just sadness and that having a good or bad life has little bearing on whether you suffer from depression or not.

Depression isn't the only mental disorder that isn't widely understood. Even the way people with mental disorders feel in general aren't widely understood.

Thanks to one Redditor's great question, Redditors with mental disorders shared what they wish people understood about them.

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Woman walking down a path
Photo by Emma Simpson on Unsplash

Every now and again, some people might call in sick to work when they might not be technically sick.

Instead, they are just feeling overwhelmed, tired, anxious, or many other things and just need a day to collect their thoughts.

A "mental health day," if you will.

But should we have to lie about their mental health being the reason they aren't coming to work?

No doubt, they likely aren't honest about it for fear their bosses might not consider it a valid excuse, but should bosses and managers be more sympathetic and understanding?

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A truly stressful job can destroy your self-esteem and confidence. It's been said that people don't necessarily leave jobs, they leave management.

Indeed, bad management can leave you feeling unmoored and unsupported.

There has been a wider conversation about hostile work environments over the last couple of years now that the COVID-19 pandemic has afforded many people the opportunity to switch careers and/or call it quits with their awful jobs.

No job is worth your mental and physical health.

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