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Man sitting on sofa drinking coffee and watching television
Photo by on Unsplash

CW: Accidents and death.

The danger of live television is that you can't go back to the editing room to cut something out.

While most live television is on a five-second or so delay, mostly to edit out bad language, that still doesn't guarantee that audiences won't see something that wasn't intended to be part of the broadcast.

From Ashlee Simpson's infamous lip-synching debacle on Saturday Night Live, to the slap heard (and seen) round the world at the 2022 Academy Awards, there's no planning what may happen on live TV.

And sometimes something going wrong on an awards show or news program is far more exciting or memorable than anything seen on a football or hockey game.

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People Break Down The Single Greatest Photographs In History
Alexander Andrews on Unsplash

Photographs hold a special place in our society. They remind us of precious memories with friends and family, they let us share the ridiculous things our pets do with the world, they teach us about the state of the world far away from us, they've even become a form of shorthand communication in the form of image macro memes.

The phrase "A picture is worth a thousand words" is definitely a cliche for a reason.

Content Note: This article contains some very disturbing imagery.

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People Describe The Most Memorable Stranger They've Ever Met
Nikola Johnny Mirkovic on Unsplash

We can pass by hundreds of people in a day out of the house, and most of them go completely unnoticed or we forget about them almost immediately.

Every once in a while, though, there's someone who just sticks out from the crowd and stays in our memories for years.

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People Break Down The Most Memorable Moment They've Shared With A Complete Stranger
Image by Shutterbug75 from Pixabay

We are told, from a young age, not to interact with strangers. And let's be honest, that is sound advice.

With plenty of creeps and weirdos around, it's best for parents to just nip any possibility of abduction in the bud early.

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Hotel Employees Describe The Most Memorable Things Guests Have Left Behind
Image by ming dai from Pixabay

The finite nature of a hotel stay can lead guests to behave in ways they wouldn't normally. And where there is saucy behavior, there are the artifacts left behind.

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