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Netflix's 'Tidying Up With Marie Kondo' Now Has The Internet Freaking Out About Cleaning 😂
Netflix; Twitter: @MoeFakhro

Master of organization Marie Kondo can now show you how to meet that New Year's resolution to tidy up your home. Her new Netflix reality show, aptly named Tidying Up With Marie Kondo, dropped on January 1, bringing fans eight episodes to see how this professional de-clutters people's homes.

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The European Parliament, who write laws for the European Union, recently approved Articles 11 and 13, which basically mean "all technology platforms must check that anything people share does not violate copyright infringement."

Stuff like...oh, I don't know....screenshots from television shows and movies would become illegal.

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You ever read a story that made you look at your screen kind of through the outer corner of your eye? Like you're so taken aback by the dumpster fire you're reading that you almost don't want to look at it directly? But you can't look away either?

This is about to be that story.

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Ahh, threesomes... the roulette of monogamous relationships. You spin and take your turn never knowing if this is going to end in a fizzle, some fireworks, or a freakout. Spoiler alert: unless you're both experienced players, there's been a LOT of talk and clear boundaries drawn, or both - it's pretty likely to end in freakout. Bummer, cause fireworks fam. Fireworks.

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Rents are high Heck... RENT! Is out of this world insane no matter where you reside. So often many of us have to find roommies to sustain. And that can be a great situation but it can also lead to immense trouble. Observe....

Redditor wheresmyroom posted about a dwelling situation fraught with drama...

I've [F25] returned from a month long trip and my roommate [F22] has moved all her things into my room and has been living there, with no intention of switching back.

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