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Man overlooking a canyon
Joshua Earle/Unsplash

There are those who have come so close to experiencing death, they wind up cherishing every moment of their lives after surviving what could've been a fatal catastrophe.

Then there are others who actually flatlined and miraculously came back to life.

Not very many people know what actually happens to us when we eventually expire, but thanks to these survivors who lived to share their stories, we get an idea.

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People Confess The Most Out Of Line Thing A Doctor's Ever Said To Them

As patients, we rely on the expertise of medical professionals to be able to identify whatever ailments we're suffering through.

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People Break Down The Most Unprofessional Thing A Doctor Has Ever Said To Them
Bruno Rodrigues on Unsplash

Because we rely on a medical professional's expertise regarding our ailments or concerns, we have no choice but to trust them.

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People Describe Warning Signs That Someone Should Go To The Hospital Immediately
Photo by camilo jimenez on Unsplash

Why do we gamble with our health?

I know the most common answer to that is... "because healthcare costs are a joke!"

But as we get older, or even in youth, we need to be listening to our bodies.

Sometimes a trip to the hospital is just necessary.

Nobody wants to go, but if it's a live-or-die situation?


Redditor phenomLG wanted compile a list of all the reasons we need to take medical issues seriously right away. They asked:

"Whats a sign you need to immediately go to the hospital?"
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Doctors Share Their Best 'How The F**k Are You Not Dead?' Experiences
National Cancer Institute on Unspla

WARNING: graphic descriptions of illness and injuries

Doctors and caregivers perform miracles and, when things work in favor of patients, are praised for performing miracles.

Sometimes, however, those miracles have nothing to do with the medical professionals tending to a patient who narrowly escaped death.

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