medical professionals

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Going to the doctor or dentist is one of those maintenance tasks that we all have do but which some people are incredibly uncomfortable with.

In an effort to make the experience go more smoothly, some patients will lie about their healthy habits or positive oral care.

But it's more obvious to doctors and dentists that their patient is lying than it might seem.

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Medics Share Their Weirdest 'No, That's Not A Real Medical Condition' Experience
Image by Darko Stojanovic from Pixabay

As doctors will be the first to explain, there is one element of the medical profession that is routinely underestimated by med school hopefuls: patient interaction.

Understandably, would-be doctors prioritize the more concrete elements of the profession. They pour over anatomy books, understand the latest treatments and technologies, and hone their ability to diagnose efficiently, accurately.

Yet, a good amount of a doctor's work day is spent hashing it out with their patients--regular folks who know extremely little about how the body works.

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Medical Professionals Divulge The Funniest Things Patients Have Said Under Anesthesia
Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

Going under the knife for any medical-or dental-procedure is nerve wracking, no matter how minor. So its always good to know that there is a relaxing agent to make the process much smoother. Anesthesia (or laughing gas in some circles) is a gift. It takes away all your worries and fills you with the fuzzies. But it does hinder one's ability to think clearly and often let's loose the lips. Oh the family secrets and wild chatter a patient spits out after surgery while high on the gas.... that's better than any sitcom.

Redditor u/Ronin47dododo was wondering what secrets and wonders have fallen out of numb patient's mouths that medical people may have jotted down by asking.... Medical professionals of reddit, what's the funniest thing a patient has said under anesthesia?
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Doctors Share Their Craziest 'How The F*** Are You Even Alive' Patient Experiences

Some medical recoveries are nothing short of miracles.

Whether they enter the hospital due to a genuine health condition, or from doing something really freakin' stupid, you know those doctors are there to help.

But there are times when even the doctors are stunned by their patients. Here are a few of their stories.

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Doctors Break Down Their Craziest Experiences With Anti-Vaxxers

There are some people in the wold who cannot be vaccinated for legitimate medical reasons. People who have certain allergies, sensitivities, genetic conditions, etc. may not be in a position to be safely vaccinated like the vast majority of us. Those are not the people this article is talking about.

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