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Peanut butter and jelly sandwich
Freddy G/Unsplash

Why go spend tons of money on eating out when there are plenty of options at home that can constitute a meal?

Many people on a budget are very resourceful when it comes to food options that can be found in the back of their fridges and pantries–granted anything found hasn't spoiled.

You too can save your hard-earned money by manifesting your inner chef and creating palatable meals.

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Food is a funny thing. We all need it to live. We eat to live.

But when it's not about survival, many people take food to a level of obsession.

There are just some items that don't belong on a menu.

Be creative as you want to be as a chef, but certain things, like poisonous fish and reptiles?

Maybe just let them keep roaming their habitats.

Why would I pay $150 a plate to maybe die?

What happened to an adventurous fettuccini alfredo?

Redditor trajop wanted hear about which items on the menu are not acceptable, by asking:

"Non-picky eaters, what’s a food you just cannot do?"
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I love them, I freak out in happiness when I see them on a menu and must try them. I have friends who get equally excited. Oysters and champagne? Sign us up.

But I know many people who despise them and never eat them. The complaints they share (They're mushy and slimy!) mean nothing to me. NOTHING. But the people who hate them are very much a passionate camp.

People were keen to share their opinions after Redditor killerkitten115 asked the online community,

"What foods have a near equal amount of people who absolutely love it and people who think it's disgusting?"
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People Explain Which 'Poverty Meals' They Still Actually Enjoy
Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay

At one point in our lives, we have struggled to make ends meet and ate whatever we could to survive.

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People Explain Which Meals They Thought They Hated Until They Realized Their Parents Made It Wrong
Image by Lee Murry from Pixabay

The food we grow up with at home naturally sets the bar on levels of taste.

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